Tuesday 2 May 2017


Across our city our bus service, along with many other previously provided services, have suffered as the Labour controlled city council has repeatedly failed to step up to protect services.  The City Council certainly did not feel the need to inform residents of the significant changes made to the City Bus Service until after the changes had been made.

Our bus services have been reduced to a minimum with reductions in the evening and Sunday services having been hit the hardest. The Labour dominated City Council has also failed to campaign for the security of our bus services.

At the most basic level quality public services are central to the prosperity of our nation. They are the very glue that binds our society together and the safety net that supports the most vulnerable in our society. The more Plaid Cymru councillors elected this May, the better the quality of services we can expect.
Since 2011-12, central Welsh Government funding for councils has decreased by 6.5%. This decrease in funding has a neglected some of the weakest and most vulnerable people in our communities, hitting them hardest. The Institute for Fiscal Studies estimates that local councils could see their budgets cut again in the next few years.
Despite the threat of cuts, Plaid Cymru will continue to fight to protect the weakest and most vulnerable members of our communities – including the elderly, the disabled and children - who rely on key services provided by our councils.
Plaid recently demonstrated our commitment to protect council budgets by securing an additional £25m for our councils by in influencing the most recent Welsh Government budget. Our elected members will continue to fight for fair resources to protect services, which so many people rely upon. Plaid Cymru will also concentrate on protecting front-line staff and delivering first-class front-line services.

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